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Re: DOJ?

On Mon, 19 Aug 1996, David Murray wrote:

> I enjoy lurking on this group, and had expected to see several 
> messages this morning regarding the national news last night, but 
> alas:

It got national news? Interesting.  (No TV.)

Apparently it was broken into on Saturday and, er, re-arranged a bit.
Before they took it down some friendly individuals mirrored the whole
thing.  Be advised that some material may be inappropriate for younger


As far as www-security implications, www.usdoj.gov is NOW running
NCSA/1.5.1 but may not have been before the breakin, nor do I have any
particular reason to believe they broke in through the WWW server,
though based on NCSA's history it's not exactly a long shot.

Paul Phillips      | "Netscape just keeps getting more and more annoying.
Mordant Surfer     |  Next year it will just be this little hammer that pops
<paulp@go2net.com> |  up and hits you on the head." -- Michael Bayne
